SSC English 2nd Paper Model Test Question with Answer [11] pdf download

Model Test 
Govt. Laboratory High School, Dhaka 
SSC Examination 
English 2nd Paper 
Subject Code: 108 

Full marks: 100                       Time: 3 hours 
[N.B. Answer all the questions. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

Part A : Grammar (40 Marks)
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary. 1x5=5
[use - adopt - divide - finish - hold - work - last]
In recent years all British Universities (a) —— the semester system. A semester is a period of time which (b) —— for half the academic year. Semester 1, for example, starts in September and finishes in January. Previously, the academic year (c) —— into three terms; autumn, winter and  spring. Most courses consist of modules which last for one semester and exams (d) —— at the end of each. Britain began (e) —— semesters to make it easier for international students to move from one country to another.
Right form of verbs
(a) have adopted;
(b) lasts;
(c) was divided;
(d) are finished;
(e) holding.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 1x5=5
The evening arrived; the boys took their places. The master (a) —— his cook’s uniform, stationed himself (b) —— the copper; his pauper assistants arranged themselves (c) —— him; the gruel was served out; and a long grace was said. The gruel disappeared; the boys whispered (d) —— each other, and winked (e) —— Oliver, while his next neighbours nudged him.
Appropriate prepositions
(a) in;
(b) at;
(c) behind;
(d) to;
(e) at.

3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5x10=5
Dowry means property or money brought by a bride to her (a) —— husband. During marriage ceremony (b) —— section of greedy people claim much wealth or money from (c) —— guardians of (d) —— brides. (e) —— poor illiterate girls usually become (f) —— victims of dowry. If (g) —— guardians fail to accomplish (h) —— demand of (i) —— bridegrooms, the brides are ill-treated. So, the poor cannot think of marriage of their daughters. It is (j) —— special curse. We all have to stand against this social evil.
Use of articles
(a) x;
(b) a;
(c) the;
(d) the;
(e) The;
(f) the;
(g) the;
(h) the;
(i) the;
(j) a.

4. Fill in the gaps with suitable phrases and idioms from the following list. 5
[right and left - nine days wonder - of the first water - ran into - over head and ears - rule out - tell upon]
(a) Less sleep at last —— her health.
(b) His achievement will remain a —— to escape arrest.
(c) The snatcher ran —— to escape arrest.
(d) He is in love with Mina ——.
(e) We cannot —— the possibility of failure in Cadet College.
Use of phrases & idioms
(a) told upon;
(b) nine days' wonder;
(c) right and left;
(d) over head and ears;
(e) rule out.

5. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 1x5=5
“Did Dr Dunbar sew may nose once again?” I asked her.
“Yes,” she said.
“Will it stay on?”
“He says, It will. How do you feel my darling?”
“Sick,” I said.
“Look under your pillow,” my mother said smiling.
Changing the form of speech
I asked my mother if Dr Dunbar had sewn my nose once again. My mother replied in the affirmative. I asked her if it would stay on. She replied that he (D) told it would. Addressing me as her darling she asked me how I felt. I replied that I felt sick. My mother then told me with a smile to look under my pillow.

6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in the brackets. 1x5=5
(a) A poor woman is the worst sufferer in our country. (Positive)
(b) She cannot work independently without taking  help of others. (Compound)
(c) She depends on pity of the people of the society. (Complex)
(d) She leads a very wretched life. (Exclamatory) The father took the female child to be his a burden.
(e) but Allah granted them equal civil rights. (Passive)
Transformation of sentences
(a) No other sufferer in our country is as bad as a poor woman.
(b) She cannot work independently and so she takes the help of others.
(c) She depends on pity that is shown by the people of society.
(d) What a wretched life she leads!
(e) But equal civil rights were granted to them by Allah.
Or, But they were granted equal civil rights by Allah.

7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1x5=5
(a) I am right, ——?
(b) Let’s walk to the shore, ——?
(c) Nobody cared for the child, ——?
(d) Your luck has let down you this time, ——?
(e) She never wastes her any moment, ——?
Tag questions
(a) I am right, aren't I/ain't I?
(b) Let's walk to the shore, shall we?
(c) Nobody cared for the child, did they?
(d) Your luck has let down you this time, hasn't it?
(e) She never wastes her any moment, does she?

8. Complete the following sentences. 1x5=5
(a) As soon as he heard the news ——
(b) The boy hid behind the bush lest, ——
(c) Had we met earlier, ——
(d) ——, you learned your lessons.
(e) —— was not known to me.
Completing sentences
(a) As soon as he heard the news, he looked very sad.
(b) The boy hid behind the bush lest the criminal should catch him.
(c) Had we met earlier, we would have solved the problem easily.
(d) As you were attentive, you learned your lessons.
(e) How he had done the work was not known to me.

Part B : Composition (60 Marks)
9. Write a paragraph on “Our School Magazine”. Your answer should include the answers to the following questions.  10
(a) What is called a school magazine?
(b) Who publishes this?
(c) What is the name of it?
(d) Who are included in the committee?
(e) Who write in it?
(f) How can it help the students?

10. Suppose, you are Mazhar of the village Deyana, Upazilla-Daulatpur, District-Khulna. Recently a severe flood has affected the village seriously. People are suffering the aftermath of the flood. They need immediate help. Now write an application to the Deputy Commissioner of your district for relief and medical aid for the affected people. 10

11. Write a short composition on any one of the following topics in about 200 words. 15

12. Suppose, you are Rana and you are an SSC candidate. Regular traffic congestion has got on your nerves nowadays. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend Sabbir about how this traffic blockage has been interrupting your normal way of life. 10

Or, Write the summary of the following passage and a suitable title.              
Sincerity is the root of success of all works. One can go a long way if one does anything with sincerity. The people who are sincere to their work are capable of making anything a success. The great men are sincere because they know that sincerity is the key to success. Those who do not follow the rules of sincerity can never prosper in life. The people who are not sincere always lag behind. If they do not know the benefit of sincerity, they cannot make a good use of it. Sincerity is the tonic to any work because it helps the work to be done properly. If any work is not done properly, one will never get good output from it. So we should be sincere in every walk of life. Sincerity does not mean only to do any work properly. It also means dutifulness, honesty and modesty.

Importance of Sincerity
Sincerity is the key to success. People who have been sincere in their work became successful. On the other hand, insincere people always lag behind. Sincerity does not mean only to do the work in time and properly. It also means dutifulness, honesty and modesty. Most people blame their lot but the fact is that if they were sincere, they could easily change their lot.

13. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it. 15
One day two cats found a piece of bread somewhere. Each of them wanted to have the larger share of it. They began wrangling. They could not decide how to deal out with that piece of bread. They.................
Completing story

এসএসসি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র মডেল টেস্ট বোর্ড প্রশ্ন উত্তর। নবম-দশম শ্রেণি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র মডেল টেস্ট বোর্ড প্রশ্ন উত্তর। SSC English 2nd Paper Model Test.


  1. In recent years all British Universities (a) —— the semester system. A semester is a period of time which (b) —— for half the academic year. Semester 1, for example, starts in September and finishes in January. Previously, the academic year (c) —— into three terms; autumn, winter and spring. Most courses consist of modules which last for one semester and exams (d) —— at the end of each. Britain began (e) —— semesters to make it easier for international students to move from one country to another.
