21+ Formal letter or application suggestions for examination

Writing Formal Letter full marks 10. 

Formal letter or application suggestions for examination

1. An application to your Principal for his/her permission to set up a debating club in your college. [CtgB-2017; SB-2017, 2013; JB, DB-2009;BB-2010] Click here to read the formal letter or application.

2. An application to the Principal of your college to provide multimedia facilities in the classroom. [RB-2017; CtgB-2015] Click here to read the formal letter or application.

3. An application to the principal of your College for admission on T.C. [DB-2017; BB-2016] Click here to read the formal letter or application.

4. An application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to set up an English Speaking Club./ English Language Club. [DjB-2017; RB-2012] Click here to read the formal letter or application.

5. An application to the principal of your college for improving computer lab facilities.  [CB-2017] Click here to read the formal letter or application.

6. An application to the Principal of your college to provide sound-system for large classrooms.[BB-2017] Click here to read the formal letter or application.

7. An application to your Principal of your College requesting him to take necessary step for setting up a multimedia classroom in your College. Click here to read the formal letter or application.

8. An application to your Principal for his permission to arrange a study tour. [CB-2016;2011;2009; BB-2014; JB-2014;CtgB-2009] Click here to read the formal letter or application.

9. An application to the Principal of your college for a seat in the college hostel. [DB-2016;DjB-2010;DB-2015; RB-2015; BB-2009] Click here to read the formal letter or application.

10. An application to the Principal of your college for taking measures against outsiders in the college campus during class hours. [BB-2015] Click here to read the formal letter or application.

11. An application to the Principal of your college requesting him/her to set up an ‘English Debating Club’ at your college. [ CB-2012; SB-2015] Click here to read the formal letter or application.

12. An application to your Principal requesting him to supply an English newspaper for your common room. [JB-2012] Click here to read the formal letter or application.

13. An application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to stage a drama in the college auditorium. [CtgB-2012; JB-2015; DjB-2015] Click here to read the formal letter or application.

14. An application to the Principal of your college to open a relief camp in your college premises so that you can send relief goods to the flood affected people in your locality. [RB-2011] Click here to read the formal letter or application.

15. An application to the principal of your college requesting him/her not to allow any student or teacher to use cell phone in the classroom or in the examination hall. [CtgB-2014; JB-2011] Click here to read the formal letter or application.

16. An application to the Principal of your college to set up a computer club. [DjB- 2011] Click here to read the formal letter or application.

17. An application to the Principal of your college requesting him to take proper steps for setting up a literary club. [CtgB-2011] Click here to read the formal letter or application.

18. An application to the Principal of your college requesting him to improve the facilities in the college library. Click here to read the formal letter or application.

19. An application to your Principal for increasing facilities in the college common room.  [RB-2014, 2010; SB 2009] Click here to read the formal letter or application.

20. An application to your Principal praying for a testimonial.[DjB 2009] Click here to read the formal letter or application.

21. An application to the Principal of your college for a transfer certificate. [BB-2016; SB-2014; CB-2013] Click here to read the formal letter or application.

22. An application to the Upazilla Chariman for the repairment of the roads in your locality. [DB-2012] Click here to read the formal letter or application.

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