An email about a farewell party

An email writing for JSC/SSC/HSC examination
Imagine, you are Neloy. Recently you attended a farewell party as one of the guests. Now, send an email to your cousin telling him about the party.

From    : "Neloy" <>
To    : <>
Sent    : Friday, February 8, 2022; 10:00 am.

Subject : About a farewell party.

My dear Ali,
Take my cordial love. You will be happy to know that I attended a farewell party in my school. The school arranged the party to bid our English teacher farewell who was transferred to Rajbari Zilla High school. In spite of being a student, I was one of the, guests in the farewell party. I attended the function as a singer. The function began in due time. Some students of higher classes delivered speech on the occasion. All the guests spoke highly of the departing teacher. The Headmaster as the chief of the function made a inspiring speech.

Yours ever,

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